Closet Criminals: 9 Things You Must Purge from Your Closet Today

Understanding the OHIO Method of Decluttering

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Most of us ladies can agree, we have more clothes than we actually need. A lot of stuff is just sitting their in our closets, taking up space. But sometimes, we don’t purge things from our closet, because they are not in our immediate awareness.

This is why it’s helpful to actually have a handy list of clothes you can potentially let go of from your closet, so you can create more space – even mentally.

Apart from creating space, one of the biggest boons of a closet purge is the fact that it reduces chances of future mess.

I know, I know. It’s not so easy. Letting go of some clothes can evoke complicated feelings of guilt and regret.

I’ve actually done a deeper dive on why this happens and tried to unravel the psychology of “stuff guilt”. So if you want to understand more about how to move on from this and mentally get to the point of wanting to purge, you might want to check out this article.

But if you are actually ready (or even somewhat prepared) to say goodbye to a few things from your closet, here’s a handy list of stuff that you can purge from your closet – without batting an eyelid.

Feel free to save the pin below to come back to this list, at any time.

Clothes That Exist ‘Just in Case’

Let’s get real. If there was to be an imaginary moment in time where you will need a shimmer jacket and it hasn’t arrived yet, you don’t need a sign from the universe. 

If you haven’t worn it in a year, it’s probably got to go.

Sentimental Stuff You’re Holding On To

Clearing closet of clothes or things with sentimental value

Your old college varsity jacket. Your wedding day heels. A sweater your mom got you.

It’s all hard-to-let-go-of-stuff. 

But the fact is, memories exist in you, not in stuff.

Letting go of stuff, doesn’t mean you’re going to erase the moments from existence. 

If you still can’t get yourself to let go of some things, consider creating a memory box. A place where you can store all these items and stash the box somewhere else. That way you end up freeing some closet space, and you can always revisit the box again, if you change your mind or if you still need a trip down memory lane.

Clothes that Just Aren’t You Anymore

Sometimes we hold on to stuff because we’re not ready to let go of a side of us. 

If I let go of those hot pants, does that mean I’m not a party girl anymore?

Chances are you’ve moved on from a certain phase in your life. Chances also are, that you haven’t quite accepted it. What helps is to sometimes think of this from the point of view of the present moment. 

Today, maybe you’re not a party girl, but you’re so much you weren’t before. Like a gardener, a girl boss, a mom – and the clothes you need are the clothes that support your new lifestyle. 

And who knows, maybe someday you’ll be party girl again. Until then, ditch those supremely uncomfortable leather hot pants. Pretty please.

Clothes that You Promised You’ll Repair

Okay we all have these. There’s only one way to finally take action on this. 

Collect all your clothes that need fixing. Put it in a basket. Give yourself a week. If you still haven’t got these repaired, you’re probably never going to. Out they go.

Old Costumes

That one time when you were Princess Leia to Comicon was a really fun time.

It’s going to stay fun. In your head.

Let the clothes go.

Unless you want to be Princess Leia again, coming Halloween.

Things That Seem Too Expensive to Let Go Of

Clearing out things that seem too expensive to let go of

Repeat after me: the money is gone. 

Fact is, holding on to things isn’t going to bring the money back.

It’s okay if you spent a lot on those suede boots. They bite. 

You know you’re never going to wear them again. 

Think of it this way. Giving them away will actually bring you peace in the long term, 

and overall you’d have actually gained something.


Clearing closet of duplicate clothes

Clones are helpful in some cases.

For basics like a white shirt, black tees, it’s nice to have multiples.

But if you have too many of the same or similar kind, it may be time to purge them from your closet.

Sad Comfy “Home” Clothes

Don’t get me wrong. I love my sad-sack comfy clothes.

But if you have holey, stained discolored sweats you’re holding on to just because they’re comfy “home” clothes, gather up some courage and junk them.

Find new sacks you can float and lounge in.

Out of Season Clothes

This one’s basic but sometimes we get lazy or we feel we can make coexistence work.

Trust me taking away seasonal clutter can really free up closet space, as well as mental space.

Just stash them under the bed in these nifty storage bags, or even on the top of your closet. 

So those are pretty much it. A quick reminder of stuff you can let of go and purge from your closet. If you’re interested in embarking upon a quick closet declutter – here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Want to Purge Your Home of Clutter?

Download my handy, printable home declutter checklist!
Just save and print to get a room-by-room checklist of things to clear out.

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